My wishlist
Norite atstovau kitą įmonę? Tai galite padaryti užpildę formą:
A35BS Conventional Smoke Detector
D50ZO Base for C50 Detector, Black
D50ZO Base for C50 Detector, White
C50H Conventional Temperature Rate of Rise Detector, Black
C50S Conventional Smoke Detector, Black
C50S Conventional Smoke Detector, White
C4416 ActiV Optical detector
C4414 ActiV Multi-sensor detector
C4403A1R ActiV A1R Heat Detector
C4403A2 ActiV Fixed 60° Heat Detector
C4403B ActiV Fixed 75° Heat Detector
C4408D ActiV two-wire base with diode, LED
C4408 ActiV Base
C4408R ActiV Relay Base
EA318-2L smoke detector with 2-wire base, LED
EA323-2 heat detector 2-wires
EA318-2H smoke/temperature detector with 2-wire base
EA 318 4 smoke detector with relay, 12VDC, EN54
EA323-4 temperature detector with 4-wire base
EA318-4H smoke/temperature detector with 4-wire base
TR6100 V2 linear reflector smoke detector, 8-100m
The Fireray® 5000 motorised reflective, auto aligning infrared optical beam smoke detector
Fireray 5000 optical smoke barrier additional transceiver, with 50m reflector
Fireray® 3000 End-to-End Infrared Optical Beam Smoke Detector
Fireray 3000 set of detectors (transmitter and receiver) for use with Fireray 3000 system
FIRERAY ONE Beam smoke detector 50m, with additional reflectors up to 120m
Reflector for Fireay beam detector
DFG-60BLKJ fixed temperature waterproof heat detector
YBN-R/6 Hochiki Cenventional Detector Base, White
YBN-R/6 Hochiki Conventional Detector Mounting Base, Ivory
YBN-R/6M Hochiki Conventional Detector Base, Marine
SOC-E3NM Hochiki Conventional Smoke Detector, Marine
DCD-AE3M Hochiki Conventional ROR Heat detector with Fixed 60° Temperature Element, Marine
DCD-CE3M Hochiki Conventional ROR Heat detector with Fixed 90° Temperature Element, Marine
MBB-2(WHT) Marine Approved Mounting Back Box, White, Hochiki