My wishlist
Norite atstovau kitą įmonę? Tai galite padaryti užpildę formą:
Sticker for J424 Fire Alarm Panel, Bentel
SmartLine020-04 4-zone expandable control panel, up to 20 zones
SmartLine036-04 4-zone expandable control panel, up to 36 zones
SmartLine/8Z 8-zone expansion module for the Line 2004 system
SM1 Relay module for 2 wire fire alarm detector connection
FD4201/8 relay outputs / RS-485 expansion module
A35BS Conventional Smoke Detector
A35BS Conventional Optical Smoke Detector, Black
A30XZON black base for detector A35BS
D50ZO Base for C50 Detector, Black
FS4000/4 4 zones conventional fire alarm control panel
FS4000/6 6 zones conventional fire alarm control panel
FS4000/8 8 zones conventional fire alarm control panel
C50H Conventional Temperature Rate of Rise Detector, Black
C50S Conventional Smoke Detector, Black
C4416 ActiV Optical detector
C4414 ActiV Multi-sensor detector
C4403A1R ActiV A1R Heat Detector
C4403A2 ActiV Fixed 60° Heat Detector
SOC-E3NM Hochiki Conventional Smoke Detector, Marine
C4403B ActiV Fixed 75° Heat Detector
C4408 ActiV Base
C4408R ActiV Relay Base
EA323-2 heat detector 2-wires
EA 318 4 smoke detector with relay, 12VDC, EN54
YBN-R/6 Hochiki Cenventional Detector Base, White
YBN-R/6M Hochiki Conventional Detector Base, Marine
ECO1002 A conventional smoke and thermal detector
ECO1003 A optical smoke detector
6500RE Linear Smoke Detector, 10-70m, IP54
SD119-2 smoke detector with 2-wire base
Apollo IS ORBIS base
IS-mA1 IS outdoor siren, 16-28V, IP65, 100dB
NB 338 2 smoke detector 2-wires
775912 base for fire detectors is recessed into the ceiling