My wishlist
Norite atstovau kitą įmonę? Tai galite padaryti užpildę formą:
AWO675 Metal box for emergency key, 95x195x43mm
AWO676 Metal box for emergency key, 310x365x130mm
ZFP4/CA 4 Loops CAST Panel, 5A
ZFP2/CA CAST 2 loops pannel, expandable up to 4 loops
ZREP1S/CA Surface Compact Controller c/w ZHN Network PCB
XFP510-32 Repeater for XFP 32 Zones Addressable Pannel
HFP AP-1ASLS 1 Loop Panel c/w 16 Zones, Non Networkable
CLYON01BING Single loop address exchange COMPACT LYON, 99 devices per loop
LYONRM02ING Two-loop address exchange LYON, expandable to 20 loops, 199 devices per loop
XFP501/CA XFP 1 loop 32 zone pane, C-TEC CAST. Max. 2 x 7Ah batteries
XFP501E/CA 1 loop CAST address control panel, 16 zones, 255 devices per loop
XFP502/CA XFP 2 loop 32 zone panel to EN54-2/4, C-TEC CAST protocol. Max. 2 x 7Ah batteries
ZFP1/20/CA 1 loop 5A CAST panel, 20 zones
RI9000 Remote LED indicator
MRD-1 Plastic box for an emergency key, 10x15x3.6cm
PA58-3 the Remote Indicator of fire detector
PA58-3/IP65 External outdoor LED indicator
ZAFIR01BING single loop address exchange ZAFIR, 199 devices per loop
ZAFIR02BING two-loop address exchange ZAFIR, 199 devices per loop
STI-13110FR Universal Stopper, red shell, clear surface, Fire label, IP54
STI-13120FR Universal Stopper, red shell, clear surface, Sounder, Fire label, IP54
STI-3150-BREAK Weather Stopper II, Break Glass, Surface Mounting, IP54
STI-14100NC Universal Stopper, clear surface, 207x137x89mm
NB 525-S Fire Alarm Button 470R / 680R, Wizmart
ROSHNI siren with high base, 102dB(A), 9-28V DC, IP54 (ROLP/SV/R/D)
AH-03127-BS outdoor siren with strobe, low base, 24V, EN54-3
CWSO-RR-S1 indoor siren, 12-24V, EN54-3
CWSO-RR-W1 outdoor siren, 12-24V, IP65, EN54-3
CWSS-RR-W3 outdoor siren with flash, 12-24V, IP65, EN54-23
CWSS-RB-S7 indoor siren with flash, 12-24V, EN54-23
DB8000S base for indoor siren
STI-9615 Beacon/sounder 95mm Dia x 90mm Deep
STI-9617 Beacon Guard 150mm Dia x 125mm Deep
CWS/SOUR outdoor siren, 24V, EN54-3, IP65, LST