My wishlist
Norite atstovau kitą įmonę? Tai galite padaryti užpildę formą:
SOLO 101, tester mast extension, 1.20 m
SOLO 330, smoke detector testing head, detector diameter up to 110mm
SOLO 610, tester and stem bag
SOLO 809 smoke and CO detector test kit.
SOLO A5 smoke Detector Tester
SOLO C3 carbon Monoxide Detector Tester
Smoke Saber aerosol smoke detector tester, 150ml.
SMOKE CHECK aerosol for checking smoke detectors, 150ml.
PRF SMOKE Alarm Tester, 220ml.
SOLO 100, tester telescopic mast 4 parts, from 1.26m to 4.5m
SOLO 200, fire detector removal tool, detector diameter from 65mm to 110mm
SOLO 461, test set, battery-powered test head for temperature detectors
SOLO 822 CO, flue, temperature detector. test kit
SOLO 823 CO, smoke, temperature detector testing kit
ECO1000RTU A Tester for detectors
HO-1490-A transition for smoke and CO aerosols